Difference between revisions of "Under Development Page"

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(adding links to 2020 tutorials that weren't already in here, for grading convenience)
(12 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
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This page is for new tutorial authors (usually current GEOM 4008 students) to house their pages while under active development. You can just add a link with a page title not yet in use, save this page, then click on the new link to bring up a new blank page, ready for your contributions. When it is ready, please make sure to link to it from the [[Main Page]].
* [[Noise Modelling using OpeNoise in QGIS]] by [[user: Kareem Brugmann | Kareem Brugmann]] (2020)
* [[Conducting a Viewshed Analysis in QGIS]] by [[user: Misztal | Matt Misztal ]] and Nick Savasta (2020)
* [[Supervised Classifications using Google Earth Engine]] by [[user:loucasdiamantboustea | Loucas Diamant-Boustead]] (2020)
* [[Interferometry in ISCE with ALOS Imagery]] by [[user:aplourde | Allison Plourde]] (2020)
* [[Geopandas and Matplotlib to automate data processing and mapping]] by [[user:SamirS | Samir Sellars]] (2020)
* [[Modelling Air Mass Time Over Water with Hysplit, SAGA GIS, and Python]] by [[user:erinturnbull | Erin Turnbull]] (2020)
* [[Test New Page]] just for demonstration
* [[Test New Page]] just for demonstration
* [[Social Spatial Network Tools in R]] for Razz tutorial
* [[Creating Thematic Maps Using the Cartographic Composer in GRASS GIS]] by [[user:AlexandraMullen| Alexandra Mullen]] (2020)
* [[Using map algebra in GRASS]] by [[user:Opowell | Owen Powell]] (2020)
* [[Creating Maps in Jupyter Notebook using GeoPandas and CartoPy]] by Sabrina Ornawka and Erika Cizek (2020)
* [[Site suitability using SAGA GIS]] by [[user: Sabeeh Syed | Sabeeh Syed]] (2020)
Already on main page:
* [[Using InaSAFE to Create Real-World Natural Hazard Impact Scenarios]] by [[User: ahmadelmuradi | Yussuf Yassine | Ahmad Elmuradi]] (2020)
* [[Creating a Heatmap using QGIS]] by [[User: Edward Chu| Edward Chu]] (2020)
* [[Noise Modelling using OpeNoise in QGIS]] by [[user: Kareem Brugmann | Kareem Brugmann]] (2020)
* [[Using QGIS to conduct watershed analysis and 3D modeling]] by [[user: omargaweesh|Omar Gaweesh]] (2020)
* [[Land Use Change Assessment in SAGA GIS]] by [[user: Morganbordillon | Morgan Bordillon]] (2020)
* [[Supervised Classifications using Google Earth Engine]] by [[user:loucasdiamantboustea | Loucas Diamant-Boustead]] (2020)
* [[Interferometry in ISCE with ALOS Imagery]] by [[user:aplourde | Allison Plourde]] (2020)
* [[Kriging Interpolation Comparison on Alberta Weather Station Elevation Data using System for Automated Geoscientific Analysis (SAGA GIS)]] by [[Alex Fortin| Alex Fortin]] & [[user: LeoDoor| Leo Keenan]](2024)
* [[Habitat Analysis using QGIS 3.10 and QuickMapServices Plugin]] by [[user:TylerCoade | Tyler Coade]] (2020)

Latest revision as of 12:52, 29 November 2024

This page is for new tutorial authors (usually current GEOM 4008 students) to house their pages while under active development. You can just add a link with a page title not yet in use, save this page, then click on the new link to bring up a new blank page, ready for your contributions. When it is ready, please make sure to link to it from the Main Page.