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After extracting the data to your working directory, you can add the individual TIF files to QGIS by clicking '''Layer''' » '''Add Layer''' » '''Add Raster Layer''', or by pressing ctrl+shift+r.
After extracting the data to your working directory, you can add the individual TIF files to QGIS by clicking '''Layer''' » '''Add Layer''' » '''Add Raster Layer''', or by pressing ctrl+shift+r.

Revision as of 18:01, 22 December 2017

Mosaicking and DEM Creation in QGIS

What is QGIS

QGIS is an open source software available from here that has a multitude of plugins to ensure that the user has the proper tools for their job. In this tutorial the desktop version for Windows will be used.


The data that was used for this tutorial was taken from the USGS website and is derived from interferometric synthetic aperture radar (IFSAR) data. The data is projected in the NAD83 Alaska projection, and the original TIF images are 5 metre rasters found here.

After extracting the data to your working directory, you can add the individual TIF files to QGIS by clicking Layer » Add Layer » Add Raster Layer, or by pressing ctrl+shift+r. AddAbenk.png