Visualizing Multi-Temporal Data with Time Manager

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Revision as of 19:00, 17 December 2012 by Siefat (talk | contribs)
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Installing Time Manager

Setting Repository

  • Start QGIS
  • Click "Plugins" on the toolbar. A drop down menu will appear.
  • Click "Fetch Python Plugins"
  • Click "Repositories"
  • Click "Add"
  • Name your plugin "Time Manager"
  • Type in "" in the URL field
  • Click "OK" to exit.

Installing Plugin

  • Click "Plugins"
  • Search "Time Manager"
  • Click "Install Plugin" and wait for confirmation of install.
  • Click "Close" to exit.

Enabling Plugin

  • Click "Plugins" on the toolbar. A drop down menu will appear.
  • Click "Manage Plugins"
  • Search "Time Manager"
  • Enable "Time Manager"
  • Click "OK" to exit.

Enabling User Interface

  • Time Manager should appear under "Plugins" drop down menu.
  • If not, right click on the toolbar, drop down menu will appear; scroll down to Time Manager and check.
  • Time Manger should now be at the bottom of your screen.

Getting Data

Getting CSV data

Getting Vector data

Preparation of Data


  • Import to Libreoffice or Openoffice or Microsoft Excel

LibreOffice Calc/OpenOffice Calc

  • Right click on "datetime" column and proceed to "Format Cells".
  • Find and click "User defined" in "Numbers" tab.
  • Change format to the following: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
  • Save file in CSV format.

Microsoft Excel

  • Right click on "datetime" column and proceed to "Format Cells".
  • Find and click "Custom" in "Numbers" tab.
  • Change format to the following: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
  • Save file in CSV format.

Importing Data

Importing a spreadsheet

  • Start QGIS and click "Layer" on the toolbar. A drop down menu will appear.
  • Click "Add Delimited Text Layer".
  • Browse to location of Seattle_Real_Time_Fire_911_Calls.csv file.
  • Click on the "OK" button.
  • Right click on the imported spreadsheet on the Layers panel. A drop down menu will appear.
  • Click "Save As"
  • Format should be "ESRI shapefile"
  • CRS should be "WGS84"
  • Name of file is "Seattle.shp"
  • "Add saved file to map" should be enabled.
  • Save file to a desired location.
  • Click on the "OK" button.

Importing a vector polyline/polygon

  • Start QGIS and click "Layer" on the toolbar. A dropdown menu will appear.
  • Click "Add Vector Layer".
  • Browse to location of your WGS84 projected "Seattle.shp" file.
  • Click on the "Open" button to import.

Distribution of Type of Emergency

  • Right click on CSV turned shapefile, a drop down menu will appear; click "properties"