Unsupervised Classification and Polygonization With QGis

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Video Walkthrough

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There are lots of reasons for wanting to make a land cover classification. Whether that is to make beautiful maps, a temporal study of change or a more complicated statistical analysis. The goal of this tutorial is to be a jumping off point so to speak into the profound and complicated world of classifications.

In this tutorial we will be looking at how to perform an unsupervised classification; that is a classification where the computer program chooses the classes without a training data set

Programs and Plugins required

Qgis (3.22 was used in this tutorial) https://qgis.org/en/site/forusers/download.html
7Zip https://www.7-zip.org/
SCP Plugin (download through QGis)

Acquiring Data

For this tutorial pretty much any remote sensing data can be used. Depending on what data it it it may require pre-processing in order to produce a usable product, and that is outside the scope of this tutorial.

A good resource for free remote sensing data us the USGS Earth explorer. It involves making an account but it is such a good resource for remote sensing data that it is completely worth the extra step.

Sign up here https://ers.cr.usgs.gov/login

Now that you have made an account or signed into your existing account it is time to find the data to use.

Unzipping Data

Importing and Displaying Data

Trim to Mask Area

Unsupervised Classification and Filtering

Polygonization (Raster to Vector Conversion)

Field Calculator

Editing and Merging

Map Production
