Flood Risk Assessment using Grass GIS

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With global climate change becoming the prevalent issue of the generation, more and more people are using GIS to emulate the effects of climate change in their communities. Rising water levels are especially of concern as humans tend to settle near water bodies and coastal areas. This tutorial aims to give an introductory lesson into conducting a very basic flood risk assessment using open source software and data. This tutorial utilizes Grass GIS and data from the city of Daytona Beach, FL, USA, a popular vacation destination on the Atlantic Coast.

Software and Data

This tutorial uses the latest version of Grass GIS 7.4.1, which can be downloaded for Windows, MacOSX, and Linux from their website ([1]). Once installed, we can focus on collecting the data needed. GRASS GIS can be operated with script, but this tutorial was developed for the amateur user and will not focus on Python script application.

The data used for this lesson is derived from two main sources, the US Geological Survey Earth Explorer tool ([2]) and the City of Daytona Beach website ([3]), both are open source, although the USGS requires you to create an account to access their data.

First, let's begin by collecting the data needed from the City of Daytona Beach:

1. Open the link provided from above
2. Scroll down and select the Boundaries icon
3. There are several scales to choose from, select the Daytona Beach Boundary file
4. Select Download from below the bottom-right corner of the image, and download as a shapefile
5. Extract data to appropriate folder
6: Return to the main menu and select the Transportation icon
7. Select the Major Roads file
8. Select Download from below the bottom-right corner of the image, and download as a shapefile
9. Extract data to appropriate folder

Next, we will collect the data from the USGS website:

1. Open the link provided from above
2. Select the Data Sets tab at the top of the window
3. Expand the Digital Elevation menu, expand the SRTM submenu, select SRTM 1 Arc-Second Global
4. Return to the Search Criteria tab
5. Type Daytona Beach into the Address/Place field and click on Show
6. Select the Daytona Beach, FL, USA file and click on Results
7. Click on the Show Metadata and Browse
8. Click on Open New Window
9. Select Download, you will need to login with your account at this point if you haven't already, download as TIFF
10. Extra data to appropriate folder


Now that we have our data collected, we can open Grass GIS and setup the tutorial session:

1. Open Grass GIS
2. Browse to your selected directory in Step 1
3. Create a New Location for your workspace in Step 2
4. Specify the Project Location and Location Title, select Next
5. Select the default Select EPSG code of spatial reference system and click on Next
6. Search for NAD83 / Florida East, or input the EPSG code 26958 and click on Next
7. Select datum 2 for Used in Florida and click on OK
8. Click on Finish
9. Select your new Location and click on Start GRASS Session

The GRASS session is now setup, and we can start importing the data we collected from earlier

1. Under the File tab from the top of the window, select Import Vector Data and choose the Import of common vector formats [v.in.ogr]