Noise Modelling using WPS Modelling to determine noise emissions

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The objective of this tutorial is to help

Downloading Noise Modelling v4.0

Setting Coordinate Reference System(CRS)

Before importing the required shapefile into QGIS, you must set a project coordinate system for your project file. Due to the study area being near the Caspian Sea we can use the "Pulkovo 1942/ Caspian Sea Mercator" projection to ensure accuracy in our analysis.

To change the projection in QGIS: press ctrl+ shift + p and select CRS. In the search bar type "Pulkovo 1942/ Caspian Sea Mercator" and select apply at the bottom of the screen.


All data used for this tutorial is open source and shapefiles can be acquired at:

Baku City Street Circut and Baku Downtown Buildings

Download and Extract the contents of both flies

Adding Layers in QGIS

Editing Attribute Tables

Using OpeNoise Map with Roads

Create Receiver Points

Create Grid Points

Calculate Noise Levels

Create Sound Level Contours

Create Noise Exposure



Point or Points

Traffic Flow

Sound Ray Layers

Harmful Effects



Feel free to make and edits and improvements on this page as we are constantly trying to improve these tutorials.