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== Adding Vector Data ==
== Adding Vector Data ==
There are 2 methods for adding vector data into QGIS. The first method is to simply just drag-and-drop the vector layer file you would like to add. The second method involves using the menus and is highlighted below.
*Along the top toolbar, select Layer --> Add Layer --> Add Vector Layer
*Along the top toolbar, select Layer --> Add Layer --> Add Vector Layer

Revision as of 02:24, 21 December 2015


Please note that this tutorial was created as a term project for the Carleton University class GEOM4008 - Advanced Topics in Geographic Information Systems. The tools used below are just a some of many that can be found within QGIS and outputs may heavily vary depending on the inputs. The results should not be used as conclusive findings for others work.


The objective of this tutorial is to provide an in-depth walk through of automating two workflows in the QGIS Graphical Modeler. The first is a simple workflow using sample vector data that covers geoprocessing tools such as; buffer, clip and merge. It will also demonstrate how to perform a field calculation within a model. The second workflow is more complicated and works with a sample Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The workflow covers the various steps required to determine the watershed basins within an area of interest. The different algorithms covered in this tutorial are; fill sinks, catchment area, channel network, watershed basins and vectorising grid classes. These algorithms are native to SAGA GIS, but through QGIS's advanced interface processing toolbox, they as well as GRASS GIS algorithms are accessible. This tutorial provides a highly explanatory and easy walk through for individuals with varying levels of GIS knowledge. The purpose is to aid those looking for a quicker, more efficient way of performing long workflows without the use of expensive GIS software.


As mentioned above, the software that will be used for this tutorial is Quantum GIS, otherwise known as QGIS. It was chosen for two reasons; first, it is one of the most powerful GIS FOSS (Free and Open-Source Software) with a very user friendly interface; second, it has a very intuitive Graphical Modeler that has access to many different algorithms from GDAL, GRASS, ORFEO Toolbox, QGIS and SAGA. Along with being very powerful and free, it is also available for all platforms (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, BSD, and Android).

In order to follow along with this tutorial, the first step is to download QGIS:


From this website, you will find a link to download the software to the appropriate platform and documentation for getting started.


The data for these tutorial originates from two websites. The first set of data required for the vector workflow tutorial is available from the City of Ottawa Open Data website. The data sets required are:

Roads - http://data.ottawa.ca/dataset/roads

Proposed Roads - http://data.ottawa.ca/dataset/roads-proposed

Water bodies - http://data.ottawa.ca/dataset/water

NOTE: Make sure to select the download link associated with the SHP format.

For the raster workflow tutorial, the only required data is a DEM of whatever area you are interested in. For this tutorial, the DEM will be accessed through Scholars GeoPortal which houses huge amounts of geospatial data that is freely available to those studying within one of the 21 schools that fall within the Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL). The DEM chosen for from Scholars Geoportal comes from the retired, Ministry of Natural Resources, Provincial Digital Elevation Model Dataset - Version 2.0.0. The DEM covers a portion of Eastern Algonquin Park, located around the Barron Canyon (20km x 13km) and has a cell resolution of 10m.

Tutorial for Automating a Vector Workflow

With QGIS open, the first thing to do is to add the vector data.

Adding Vector Data

There are 2 methods for adding vector data into QGIS. The first method is to simply just drag-and-drop the vector layer file you would like to add. The second method involves using the menus and is highlighted below.

  • Along the top toolbar, select Layer --> Add Layer --> Add Vector Layer

1 AddLayer.png

  • After selecting Add Vector Layer, a dialog box will pop-up and this is where you will browse for the Vector Layer you are looking to add

1 AddLayerDialog.png

  • For the tutorial, this will be done 3 times in order to add our roads, proposed roads and our water bodies

Opening the Graphical Modeler

Creating the Input Parameters

Creating the Model




Field Calculator

Final Look

Save & Run


Tutorial for Automating a Raster Workflow






Helpful Links & References