Introduction to Vegetation Burn Mapping using Open Data Cube
Introduction to Open Data Cube
In this tutorial the main software framework used is called Open Data Cube (ODC), and its primary function is to make geospatial data management and performing analysis with large amounts of satellite data easier. It offers a complete system for ingesting, managing, and analyzing a wide variety of gridded data through a combination of many python libraries and a PostgreSQL database. It is extremely flexible in that it offers several cloud and local deployment options, can work with multispectral imagery to elevation models and interpolated surfaces and a multitude of ways to interface with the software. This tutorial will be using Jupyter Notebooks to work with ODC, but a web GUI is also available. A great way to think about ODC is like your own personal, open-source Google Earth Engine. However, unlike Google Earth Engine you are in control over the geospatial data and code you create. If you would like to learn more about the ODC framework you can check out the official website here.
Installation Instructions
At first the installation and configuration process for ODC can appear daunting and complex with several dependencies and a long configuration procedure. It is possible to use ODC on Windows, Linux, or Max, however I find it has the most support and is easiest on Ubuntu. To greatly simplify the installation process ODC has created something called “Cube in a Box”. This is an easy-to-use Docker image that will provide us with a pre-configured reference installation of ODC. Docker uses containerization to package software into units that can be run on most computing environments. More information about Docker and containers can be found here.
Installing Docker
The first step in the installation process will be to install docker. This tutorial is designed for Ubuntu 20.04 but will likely work on other Linux versions.
To install docker run the following command in a new terminal window:
sudo apt-get install docker-compose
And select yes to install any dependencies.
Downloading ODC and Helper Scripts
In this section the Open Data Cube "Cube in a Box" docker configuration will be downloaded from GitHub. Feel free to use the "wget" or "git clone" commands to simplify this process if you undertand how.
Go to:
and download the all the code using the "Download ZIP" button shown in figure one.
Unzip these files to a desired location in Ubuntu. I chose the downloads folder. This tutorial takes advantage of a number of helper scripts and a code example from Digital Earth Africa.
Go to:
And using the previous download instructions grab the all the code.
Next, move the Scripts folder inside the previous cube-in-a-box Notebooks folder. For me I placed Scripts inside /home/admind/Downloads/cube-in-a-box-master/notebooks. Then place the Burnt_area_mapping.ipynb file from the Real_world_examples folder inside deafrica-sandbox-notebooks to the same location as before. This would be /home/admind/Downloads/cube-in-a-box-master/notebooks for me.
The last file is called and can be found at:
Place this file inside the Scripts folder you just moved. For me this is now /home/admind/Downloads/cube-in-a-box-master/notebooks/Scripts.
At the end your "cube-in-a-box-master/notebooks" folder should look like figure two.
And have 13 python files in the Scripts folder and the 3 .ipynb files in the Notebooks folder.
Configuring Cube in a Box
The last step of the installation process is to open terminal from the cube-in-a-box-master folder.
This can be done by right clicking anywhere in the cube-in-a-box-master folder and selecting open in terminal.
After this has been done enter the following command into the terminal window:
sudo docker-compose up
Then after that has completed leave that window open to run and open another terminal with the above process so two terminal windows are open.
In this new terminal enter:
sudo docker-compose exec jupyter datacube -v system init
sudo docker-compose exec jupyter datacube product add
And finally to make sure it works try:
sudo docker-compose exec jupyter bash -c "stac-to-dc --bbox='25,20,35,30' --collections='sentinel-s2-l2a-cogs' --datetime='2020-01-01/2020-03-31' s2_l2a"
If everything has ran without error messages in the first terminal window with Docker running open an internet browser and go to "localhost".
That is it! You are now ready to move on to the analysis section.
Performing Vegetation Burn Mapping
As stated previously this tutorial uses a code example from Digital Earth Africa that we have already downloaded and installed.
After following the previous instructions you should see Jupyter Notebooks open in the internet browser window.
Importing Geospatial Data
To import the geospatial data for the region that we will be performing analysis on we run the index script.
Open the file named Indexing_More_Data.ipynb in Jupyter Notebooks. Change the fourth line in the first code cell to appear how it does in figure three.
Next, we will define the location of interest and the time frame. A box is created around the location with the buffer. This can be extended by increasing the buffer value.
Change the second code cell to appear as follows in figure four:
After this run all the cells in order. It should state that approximately 400 items have been indexed.
Performing Analysis
After the indexing has been completed you can close that script and return to the main Jupyter Notebooks directory.
Open the Burnt_area_mapping file. This is a code example created by Digital Earth Africa and contains some instructional material at the beginning and many great code comments to help explain what is happening.
The great part about this example is that it uses the helper scripts to simplify and shorten the code we will be working with. All that we need to do is change the desired parameters throughout the script to get good results. Most of the code blocks are rather self-explanatory and this tutorial will go over ones that are important and/or must be changed.
The analysis will proceed as follows:
- Load packages
- Define location, event date and length for analysis
- Define baseline image
- Create Normalized Burn Ratio Image
- Visualize Burned Area Results
Load packages
Under the description you should see the first code block named "Load Packages"
We need to edit this cell to account for the location in which we placed the helper files. Please add "Scripts." after the word "from" on the last five lines so that the edits appear the same as in figure five.
Define location, event date and length for analysis
We can now run the code cells up until "Select Location". Here we will enter the location chosen for analysis. It can be anywhere in Africa and must be the same location chosen for indexing in the previous step.
See figure six for what this code looks like if you're using the same location as me in Northern Ghana.
We must also enter the data of the fire and length of baseline period from before the fire date to be used. Keep in mind that both these periods must fall within the range of time entered in the indexing data section.
Define baseline image
After the following section has been completed and cells ran we can now run all cells until the "View the selected location" section. Here it will show us a map with boundaries of the area of interest. If this is not showing the correct area it would be good to double check the index coordinates from the previous section.
If the location is correct we can now run the cells in the "Load all baseline data" section. This will run a query of our sentinel 2 multispectral imagery for the chosen analysis period and select the most clear images using cloud masks. Do not be alarmed if this section takes several minutes to run.
Create Normalized Burn Ratio Image
The Normalized Burn Ratio is an index that can be used to recognize burned areas in images and measure the burn severity. This index calculation is done automatically using the helper scripts. We pass the helper scripts the desired raster data along with our specified parameters and it returns the created Normalized Burn Ratio images.
After running all sections until "Generate Normalized Burn Ratio for baseline period" we can then calculate the burned area in the baseline period before the fire date and again in later cells using the post fire date images. This is done so that we can compare the burned area before and after. Once this section has been ran we can move down a code cell to "Visualise NBR" and our results should appear as follows in figure seven if you used the same location and date.
Next, the post fire Normalized Burn Ratio image can be created. Run the code cell under "Load post-fire data" to select the post fire images and "Generate Normalized Burn Ratio for post fire image" to create the post fire Normalized Burn Ratio image.
Visualize Burned Area Results
At this point in the tutorial you can take two options. You can proceed through the following code cells in order while making small changes based on the site, time frame and desired results. This is very technical and will result in you comparing the burned area images previously created with known MODIS fire hotspots, create Delta Normalized Burn Ratio images and calculate the amount of area that was burnt. Or, you can do the simpler option and display the baseline and post fire Normalized Burn Ratio images for a visual comparison. This tutorial is not designed for users with extensive remote sensing knowledge so the simpler option will be shown.
If you skip to the third section from the end titled "Apply threshold to Delta Normalized Burn Ratio" we can display the baseline and post fire Normalized Burn Ratio images. Locate the second, long code block in this section with the first comment "Set up subplots". Run this section and it should provide only four out of six images if you skipped the advanced sections and several error messages. The four images created should appear similar to figure eight. For more information on Normalized Burn Ratio and interpretation check out this helpful explanation.
After the analysis has been completed don't forget to save your results and safely shut down Docker.
In the second terminal window we opened earlier to enter commands we can now enter:
sudo docker-compose down
And a stopped message should now appear in the first terminal running Docker.
Potential Errors
- If you receive an error during package installation like “Hash Sum Mismatch” then make sure you are using the latest version of Oracle VirtualBox. Version 6.1.16 fixes this bug.
- Ambiguous docker errors including “Cannot Connect to daemon” can be resolved by inserting “sudo” infront of the command you are trying to run.
- If you encounter the following error in figure nine when running scripts in Jupyter Notebooks then you must confirm the entire installation process has been followed.
Sources and Additional Resources
For more information on working with ODC check out the quick Beginner's Guide created by Digital Earth Africa.
Code and Docker Image retrieved from:
Explanation Material and Background Knowledge from: