Creating a Geo Story using GeoNode and GeoStory

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This tutorial introduces GeoStory, a GeoNode product, and goes through all of the basic functionalities of the product to create a usable, sharable web-based GeoStory. This includes installation and startup, creating base maps, addings media, immersive, and geocarousel sections, and sharing. For a more in-depth introduction to GeoNode, see [insert link to other tutorial].

Installation and Setup
For the purposes of this tutorial, the Oracle VM Virtual Machine box, downloaded via LINK through the GEOM 4008 course was used, as it is already all set up with GeoNode. If you are not registered in this course and would like to follow along with Oracle, you can download it using this LINK. Alternatively, to download and install GeoNode on its own, use this LINK.
Once the machine has been powered up, go to other > GeoNode, and start it up. You will then need to create an account (top right). You are now all set up to start the tutorial!