Off-Sea Evaluation of Unlicensed Mining Blocks in the North Sea

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North Sea Oil Wells off the coast of Scotland, including the 0.5km buffers from the coast

This is a hypothetical situation in which oil companies interested purchasing licensed or non-licensed wells off-shore Britain, need assistance from Carleton University using open source software to reduce costs. A variety of factors need to be considered to determine which wells are prime targets for each company to purchase.

The following is a list of factors used in this study:

  • Distance from Coastline
  • Depth of Well
  • Licensed or Unlicensed (Ownership)
  • Environmental Concerns
  • Legal Boundaries
  • Proximity to neighboring cells


Data Collection

The well and coastline data was collected from the Department of Energy and Climate Change (UK), downloaded from: DECC Download Directory.

Data Preparation

Various layers needed to clipped so that were relevant to the study.

  • Wells file contained points that were both on-shore and off-shore. The wells file needed to be clipped by the coastline file
  • Coastline polygon had to be reduced to only include the mainland, removing Ireland and small islands


Ideal Well has the following characteristics

  • Close to processing Plants
  • Low Water Depth
  • No current ownership